First birthday photo shoot

If you’re planning a photo shoot, make sure to have a good photographer. You can find one in your area by having a quick search on Instagram, there are plenty out there!

Once you've found a photographer, choose a location that is safe and appropriate for your child's age and mobility level. (For example, don’t do the shoot at the top of Mount Everest if they can barely crawl.) Once there, bring props that match the theme of your party—for example, if it's Star Wars themed then bring lightsaber props! Make sure you take lots of pictures with friends and family—this way everyone gets their turn at being photographed with your baby!

First birthday cake smash

First Birthday cake smashes are a fun activity for one-year-olds. It’s messy play and the best part is that they don’t even know it!

A lot of parents think that their child will be afraid of the cake or won't want to get dirty, but this isn't always true. Most kids love getting messy and enjoy playing with different textures and colors. But just in case your little one isn't as thrilled about it as you thought, don't worry; there's a way around this situation!

You can opt for having a professional photographer take pictures at home or in a studio instead of doing the actual event yourself. That way you'll get some great photos without having to clean up afterward (or at least not as much).

First birthday party with friends and family

  • You're going to need a theme—it's the first birthday party after all! Why not make it extra special by putting on your thinking cap, getting creative and planning something fun? An activity-based theme is ideal for little ones who don't like sitting still for too long. Have everyone wear brightly coloured t-shirts if you want them to be part of the fun or just go with plain ones if you want the focus to be on your little one's first big party. Getting planning and Pinterest is a great starting point to build your vision board. 

  • Make a cake that looks like their favourite toy or character from their favourite book. If you want something more traditional, bake up some cupcakes instead—the important thing is making sure there's something sweet waiting for them when they come home from school/nursery etcetera!

  • Decorate your house with streamers and balloons as well as colourful paper plates (and maybe even some napkins). You could also hang up posters featuring their favourite cartoon characters; anything goes when it comes time for decorating! 

  • Consider having the party outdoors so that everyone gets some fresh air while they're celebrating this important milestone in life - just make sure there isn't any rain forecasted before booking venues :) If weather permits though then definitely go ahead because nothing beats good old fashioned backyard fun times.

First birthday celebration at home - just the family

If you're having a celebration at home and it's just you and your family, keep it simple. Maybe invite one or two close friends. While every parent wants to experience their baby's first birthday on an epic scale, remember that this is also a time for introspection and reflection as well as for celebrating.

If the date was chosen because of its astrological significance (the number 1), then perhaps consider using the day to reflect on life's milestones: past accomplishments, goals achieved or yet to achieve—whatever resonates with you in your own personal journey through life so far.

Whatever happens during your child’s first birthday party will be special enough no matter what kind of event it is—an intimate gathering with close family members or an over-the-top affair with hundreds of guests who gather from around the world just to celebrate your child’s birthdays! Don't sweat what other people think about how big or small their celebrations are because at the end of the day all that matters is making sure we have fun together while celebrating our babies' accomplishments thus far!

First birthday picnic in the park

The first birthday picnic is a simple, stress-free way to celebrate your little one’s first year. This is the perfect place to keep it simple and just focus on spending time together as a family. Here are some tips for making your own first birthday picnic in the park:

  • Pack snacks and drinks

  • Choose a good location

  • Play games and have fun!

We've got five simple ideas to help you celebrate your baby's first birthday.

  • Play in the sandbox.

  • Hide-and-seek.

  • Make a time capsule to open on your child's second birthday 18th!

  • Create a photo album of your baby's first year of life and fill it with captions or stories about what happened on each day, so that you can read those memories to your child when they get older. Chatbooks is a lovely website to create keepsake books. 

  • Create a finger print tree made up of all the people who came to the first birthday party!

  • Have a look at our First Birthday Gift Guide to help you choose the perfect gift!
May 17, 2022 — Lucy Estherby