Tips for flying with the kids
Travelling with the kids
Taking a baby on their first ever holiday can be a daunting experience for everyone involved, but don’t let it put you off! Going on a summer holiday with a baby on board can be an exciting opportunity to explore new places and enjoy fun filled adventures together as a family. As part of our summer blog series, we have teamed up with the amazing Helen Bowman (Hel_bow), Editor at Absolutely Mama, who is sharing her top tips in terms of travel, essentials and baby routines. Telling you all you need to know when going away with baby.

When deciding when and where to go for a holiday, its important to bear in mind where might be best suited for you and your family. As Helen (Hel_bow) advises, “it kind of depends what you want from a holiday and what kind of baby you have! I think the main thing would be to try not to go when it’s super hot. I’ve really enjoyed going off-peak as you don’t really get to sunbathe with littles around anyway.”
Travelling with children is definitely an adventure in itself. Even taking (what’s meant to be) a quick trip to the local park with a little one in tow, can often feel like an exhausting task. So it’s understandable that the idea of getting away for a sunshine holiday with a tiny, yet extremely demanding human, would seem like a ridiculously impossible dream. However by planning ahead, avoiding the panic packing and ensuring you have all the right essentials, travelling with a baby can actually, believe it or not, be an enjoyable experience.

We all know that fearful moment at the airport baggage weigh-in, apprehensive that we may have overdone it. But this time it’s not by packing too many pairs of shoes for ourselves, but an overload of baby bags, bits and bobs, that we are just too worried to leave behind. The best way to ensure you travel lighter with a baby is to make a list of the key essentials that you know will come in handy when your away from home. We asked Helen Bowman (Hel_bow) what items she recommends when travelling with baby, she suggested, “a comfortable sling or baby carrier for when you don’t need a buggy, a good sun shade, and if baby is big enough, a lightweight buggy. We invested in a baby Yoyo just for easy travel (it folds down to cabin bag size too)”. To also make the journey go even more smoothly, take one of baby’s favourite blankets or comforters, as this can be a great way to help them stay calm and relaxed with something familiar from home.
Top in-flight entertainment treats:
- Play n Pack: A bag full of travel fun for little adventurers. The Play'n Pack is a backpack filled with imaginative play for small folk. Whether you are on the road, boat or plane, the Play'n Pack will bring hours and hours of creative fun for your little adventurer.
- Cotton Twist - Great craft sets for older children!
- Keep em quiet - the ultimate travel packs for kids!
- Tot Bag - crafty little bags A seasonal totbag includes ONE environmentally-friendly totbag activity bag together with ALL the equipment needed for FIVE activities - perfect for when you arrive on holiday!
- Tee Bee Boxes - These are great for storing all kinds of toys in and also doubles up as a mini desk!
After overcoming the journey and finally making it to your holiday destination, you may think, now what? Don’t be afraid to get out and go and explore. We asked Helen Bowman (Hel_bow) what activities she recommended for a family with a young baby and she said “there’s so much you can do in the summer. I find just being out and about outside is stimulating for baby – lots of new sights, sounds and smells. Second time around I find I schedule more around my toddler – and baby is entertained just coming along for the ride”.
When it comes to what possibly could be our favourite time of the day, Helen (Hel_bow), recommends “if using a monitor, check the range beforehand. Ours had a camera so we could watch baby when we were in the next room – great when you’re away with friends and the little one goes to bed before you.”
If you are thinking about going away with your little one this summer, we say GO GO GO! Don’t be afraid to travel somewhere with a newborn baby or young family. Each trip away may be a learning curve for everyone, but wherever you are going you are bound to have lots of summer fun and are guaranteed to make some unforgettable memories together.
Happy holidaying 🙂
Helen Bowman:
Instagram: Hel_bow